Thursday, January 30, 2014

Zodiac introduction

As one of my new years resolutions, I decided I would make a "calendar". In essence, by the time 2014 is over, I want to have made 12 refined illustrations, once a month, each depicting the zodiac predominant for that month.

January is almost over, and I'm pretty happy to say that Capricorn, the first sign, is completed. This is a sketch and doodle blog though, so I thought I'd post some WIPs first.

Here are the initial sketch, Pencils, and some color progress.

Stay tuned for the final version tomorrow!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year!

And for my first post of 2014 (already?! can you believe it?), I have more stuff for Abel!

After asking for input, and seeing people's reaction to the previews concept, I narrowed it down to two very similar ones:

And then I started working on some color schemes. Unfortunately, I'm on a trip, and left the sketchbook withall his color notes home, so for now I'm just doing some tests.

I think he's coming along quite nicely, and I'm very excited for it.

A bit of a disclaimer: The textures in the fabrics will change, I kind of just slapped on something from google for the test drive, but once I'm finalizing I'll hand paint mine in.

As usual, thanks for looking!